question: how easy is it for your character to laugh? answer: Not so easy... has to wait intil others laugh to know it's appropriate. Chaar looks to the side with big eyes, sweating. left question: how easy is it to earn their trust? right question: how easy is it to earn their mistrust? both answers: Very Easy. she assumes you know more/better than her. Chaar is between the two questions, sweating nervously. question: do they consider laws flexible, or immovable? answer: Chaar looks nervously to the side, hoping she is saying the right thing. Chaar: "w- well.. if they were flexible, they wouldn't be laws... right?"question: do they swear? do they remember their first swear word? answer: Chaar sighs. text reads: "she doesn't swear a lot, but her first swear was-" Chaar calmly looks up and says: "Cunt" very loudly.


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Chaar asks, Nov2024

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